Article writing is the best way to promote your website and products. As an added bonus, this method can boost your sales without having to spend a cent. It is one of the easiest methods to generate traffic, potentially doubling or even tripling your income.
The power of writing articles to boost your online traffic is underestimated. Article writing is one of the best ways to promote your products and services, and the added bonus is that it will not cost you a penny. It is possible to double or even triple your online sales, just from the articles you submit.
But how does this work? By writing articles that are original,and relate to your website. You would then submit them to various article directories. Each one of your articles will have a link to your site in the author's resource box. This will boost your traffic flow in a number of ways:
- If the people who read your articles enjoy what they are reading, then they will be intrigued enough to click on your link to see what your site has to offer.
- Other webmasters can re-publish your articles to add fresh content to their websites. This will not only better their search engine ranking, but it will do the same for you.
- Each time your articles are republished, with more and more of them appearing on various websites, the number of links to your site increases too. Search engines place a lot of significance on incoming links. The more links your site has, the more importance search engines attach to it. This in turn means your website will achieve a higher placement in the search results.
- Search engines not only index websites, they also index published articles. When someone types in a search for a specific keyword, the search engines display all sites and articles containing that particular phrase. If you choose your keywords carefully, it is possible for many of your articles to receive
high search engine rankings.
There is an ever increasing number of people taking their buying need online. When these potential buyers read articles that spark their interest, they are more likely to click on to the website link to see what is on offer.
Visitors that come across your articles may just be stopping by for a browse, but if they like your products then potentially they may become customers in the future.
On the other hand there are those who are specific about what product they are after, but with so many choices online, are yet undecided. By providing an article that really grabs the reader's attention, you will undoubtedly have them interested enough to visit your site. As you have already made a connection with this person, they are more likely to become your customer.
You have nothing to lose, other than maybe half an hour of your time to write and submit an article, but the benefits will prove to be amazing. Before you know it, your site will be receiving more visitors than it's ever had. No wonder so many webmasters are taking the time to submit their articles - because article writing is the best way to promote your website.
Kelly Yuile is the webmaster of Proven opportunities & ideas to work from home with a home based business online. Download 6 FREE e-books worth over $200 to increase your online earning potential.
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