If you want to boost your book sales, it’s time to embrace the power of Internet marketing to spread the word about your book.
You can create an empire starting with just one book. (Yes, just one book!) All you need to do is understand and harness the power of repurposing. Because it is so much easier to find a new market than to write a new book or create a new product, repurposing is the tool I recommend to boost profits.
Here are 4 ways to repurpose content online:
Blog, eZine and website
Creating a blog, eZine or website is an easy way to get your content on the web. Every person should start with a blog or an eZine. I prefer a blog because it’s so simple and easy to put up, especially using a program called WordPress. A blog should be you first website.
Blogs are great because they're like an informal conversation, and they're available to everyone. Google and other search engines love blogs. They consume blogs voraciously because of the new content. And readers love new content, too. Give them content, and even if it’s free, it will lead them to your message – and ultimately, to your book. And the name of the game is getting your content and message to as many different markets as possible.
Even if you are technophobe like me, you can put up a blog. If you know nothing about blogging, a great place to start is emiDOMAINS.com. It has everything you need to get a site on the web all in one place. You can check domain names and purchase or transfer domain names. It also has information about website building and hosting, along with marketing tools.
Internet Articles
Internet articles are another vehicle to distribute your content to the masses via your own website, eZine or other electronic newsletters and article databases. Always include a short biography of yourself at the end with a link so that readers can find and buy your book.
So how do you come up with ideas for article, blog, eZine and website content? One way is when you are out and about, if people ask you questions, jot them down and keep track of them. Use them as topics for your articles and use them for topics on your blog or eZine. If you’re giving a lecture, record it and transcribe it and boom, you have an article. Boom, you have an eBook. Boom, you have an eZine article. Boom, you have a blog.
Content is king on the Internet, and repurposing is the key. People go online searching for information about what interests them, and these are just some of the ways to get your message on their screens.
Online Marketing Expert Alex Mandossian helps authors, speakers, consultants, entrepreneurs and small business owners maximize their online profits with minimal time and effort. To learn more online book marketing strategies, and to download his free ebook, 5 Secrets To Making Change Now, log on to http://www.alexmandossian.com/
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